Increase Donations by Using Custom Coins in Direct Mailers

Increase Donations by Using Custom Coins in Direct Mailers
January 4, 2023 Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
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We’ve all heard the expression “you get what you give,” but have you ever considered how it applies specifically to direct mail asking for donations?

When you think about it, it makes sense: when we are treated as special and valued, we are more likely to focus on a certain relationship, study hard to achieve a high exam score, or continue to demonstrate ourselves to our boss. The same is true for prospective donors, and they are quite likely to donate (and give extra!) once your direct mailer will include a valuable action item.

When your nonprofit uses an item with a perceived high monetary and emotional value, it demonstrates that it really cares about its donors; you’re not just another apathetic mailer piling up on the dining table, but an organization that genuinely care enough to take the extra effort for its financial backers.

Our custom challenge coins are “special,” and their worth is certain to entice donors to give more.

Consider a nationwide fraternal organization for whom we evaluated a direct reply campaign with custom brass medallions. A total of 80,000 coins were mailed, 14,000 of which included a medallion. The response rate for those without a custom coin was 9.1%, with just an average donation of $25, while the response rate for medallion mailers was 14.5%, with an average gift of $61!

The custom coin option clearly outperformed the flyer without a custom coin, with such a 59% boost in responses as well as a 144% rise in donations. These findings, however, are not unique to this organization. Check out our blog post here on the results from other companies we have worked with.

When you include an actionable item like a customized challenge coin during your next direct mail fundraising effort, your organization’s donations may increase. The coin itself is appealing, which lends itself to a perceived high financial value that donors can’t help but notice. And, because each of ours are fully customizable, you can collaborate with all of us directly on the design and message of your coin, ensuring that your coins are genuinely one-of-a-kind!

Making sure your action item has value is essential for increasing contributions in your next direct mail marketing campaign. Start making your contributors feel special by using a personalized coin!

Check out our article on how challenge coins can help your business.

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