Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
9/11 NYPD Coins
In honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, we made special coins for the NYPD and FDNY.
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
4th Reconnaissance Company, 4th MARDIV Coin – Marine Corps
These were large, 3″ marine corps coins we did for the 4th Force Reconnaissance Company, 4th MARDIV.
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
German Navy Coins
Yes, we even do challenge coins for foreign militaries, especially for NATO allies! This one is a navy ship coin…
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
Lockheed Martin Challenge Coins
Corporate challenge coins are big with military contractors too. In this case we made a coin of accomplishment for Lockheed…
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
Corporate Challenge Coins
This particular custom challenge coin was made for veterans who work for American Airlines. Corporate challenge coins are catching on…
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
3D Navy Ship Coins
Another navy ship coin that we made for a Chief’s Mess.
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
Army Corps of Engineers Challenge Coins
The US Army Corps of Engineers always gets many military challenge coins to hand out as awards of excellence. The…
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
Patriotic Challenge Coins
This close up image is an example of a Veterans of Foreign Wars challenge coin that was created to give…
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
Governor Challenge Coins
Challenge Coins are also popular with executive protection teams for governor’s mansions.
Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
Marine Corps Challenge Coins – Marine Security Guard Detachment Coins
There are US embassies all over the world. And where there is a US Embassy, you will find Marines on…
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