Army Coins of Excellence and What They Can Mean to the Recipients
Army coins of excellence, commonly known as military challenge coins or custom army coins, have become one of the most sought-after collectible items in recent years. Originally memorabilia that only circulated in military circles, these coins have paved become a popular and valuable gift item.
In the United States, you will see auctions and collectors’ shops selling military coins at premium prices. Here’s what you need to know about them:
The value of military coins
Military coins greatly differ in value based on the rank of the office or unit for which the coin was made.
Coins that represent greater significance yield higher prices. For example, military coins made for the Black Ops unit are highly coveted and valued at high rates.
Military challenge coins—what they mean to the recipient
The sentimental value attached to military challenge coins is unparalleled. The coin doesn’t just represent a symbol, but it also fosters a sense of pride and serves as a reminder of the blood and sweat shed by the army to serve the nation. For active soldiers during times of war, coins are a reminder that they were able to survive the hardships and return back to their loved ones.
It’s an incredible choice for a gift, especially for veterans or someone who has an affiliation with the military. They will appreciate the gesture and keep the coin as a memento, constantly being reminded of their role in protecting their nation.
There’s more!
The recipient of the military coin doesn’t necessarily have to be someone from the military. You can also give it to someone who’s loved one is guarding the borders.
People often fail to realize how tough things can be for military families, particularly when their loved ones are deployed overseas to serve their nation.
Military challenge coins remind such people that this ultimate sacrifice is being appreciated. They serve as items a family member can hold on to till their loved ones come back home. While they’re regular collectible items for many, for some, they have more value than diamonds and gold.
Looking for a distributor of military challenge coins?
If you’re looking for a distributor of custom military challenge coins, get in touch with Challenge Coins 4 U today! We’re a custom military challenge coins manufacturer that design high-quality custom challenge coins. Our premium-grade challenge coins can make a great gift for your loved ones. To find out more, give us a call at 1-844-270-0400.