3 People You Can Give A Navy Challenge Coin To

3 People You Can Give A Navy Challenge Coin To
December 15, 2019 Ian Wilcox (CMC, US Navy, Ret.)
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3 People You Can Give a Navy Challenge Coin To

marine corps coin

When it comes to giving gifts, everyone has their own preferences. Some people like to buy expensive items to express their love, while others opt for items that hold sentimental value.

If you happen to belong to the latter group, you’re in luck! That’s because we have the perfect gift recommendation for you; something that’s extremely elegant and holds high sentimental value: navy challenge coins.

However, they’re not meant for everyone. Here are the three types of people you can gift one to and make their day:

Veterans—to show them gratitude!

People who have served the nation deserve navy challenge coins the most. It’s not easy for someone to leave their family and put their lives on the line and defend of our freedom.

Showing them gratitude is the least we can do to show them that their sacrifice is appreciated and respected by the nation. And what better way to do so than by gifting them a challenge coin?

A customized challenge coin will help them remember the times when they fought for our country with pride and dignity. You can also consider giving the coin to family members of veterans, as they also suffer from stress and sacrifice for the nation.

Employees—to appreciate their good performances!

A lot of people think that money is the biggest motivating tools for employee, and that’s true to a great extent. Still, many employees prioritize being valued in the organization. After all, who doesn’t want to feel appreciated in their workplace?

Customized navy unit challenge coins are a great way to reward employees for a job well done. Think of it as an employee of the month reward, except you don’t have to pick a single employee.

Students—instilling discipline in young minds!

Children are highly sensitive and get influenced really quickly. They are also very observant and perceptive. Providing them a challenge coin is a way of showing them that they are valued and provide an opportunity to teach them moral values.

Imagine giving a student a navy challenge coin, only to find out years later that it inspired them to join the Marine Corps and serve the nation. That’s pretty fascinating, right? Nevertheless, this gift can have a profound impact on their lives.

Looking for a distributor of navy challenge coins?

If you’re searching for a distributor of custom navy challenge coins, contact Challenge Coins 4 U today! We’re a challenge coin maker that design custom challenge coins.

Our attractive, unique and lasting coins make a perfect sentimental gift choice for your loved ones. To find out more, give us a call at 1-844-270-0400.